Skin + Exercise = Younger Looks
Skin, skin, our precious skin. What wouldn’t we do to make it younger-looking, brighter and healthier? As a matter of fact, we do a ton of things that, according to our humble opinion, help our skin to remain longer on the longitudes of youth. Yet, frequently, we avoid the simplest ways to incorporate into our lives that could change it.
One of such simple things is exercise. And we are talking about regular exercise, with sweat and perspiration, that improves, and even per some studies, reverses the effects of skin aging.
That is a FACT: exercise appears to keep skin younger and also even reverses skin aging in people who start their exercise routine much later in life.
Isn’t that FABulous to know? Even MORE FABulous to do?
Here’s what we all are going through as we age. Our gorgeous skin ages with us. It protects us. It nurtures us. It gives us our looks. Yet after 40 or something, the most outer layer of the skin, called ‘stratum corneum,’ – which mostly consists of dead cells and some collagen – starts to harden and grows in thickness.
The opposite process is happening to the dermis, the layer of skin which is beneath the epidermis. The dermis starts to lose its cells and elasticity – it begins to thin faster and faster. As a visual result of this process, we start noticing how our skin may give us a saggier appearance, and even become more translucent. The older we are, the more visible these two direct effects of skin aging show up in us.
Please notice, that the above dual effect happens independently of the damage our skin experiences from the sun, from our lifestyle (like smoking, drinking, working a hazardous job and more), and from the products we use on our skin.
There was a visual experiment on mice, where one group led a sedentary lifestyle, and the other group was given a chance to use running wheels to exercise daily. The effects were shockingly amazing.
The group with a sedentary life, grew older not only in appearance like grey fur and balding, but also became frail, ill and demented.
The group of mice who were active and exercised, were vivacious and never got the signs of aging like greying fur! Besides, they maintained their brains, hearts, muscles and reproductive organs in tip-top shape. Isn’t that awesome?
Similar thing happens to human’s skin. Those individuals who exercise regularly enjoy bright-looking skin with healthier skin layers.
One of the researches done at McMaster uncovered that those individuals who exercised moderately to vigorously for about 3 hours a week had the skin composition much closer to that compared to the individuals in their 20s and 30s, even if the volunteers in the study were past age 65! That is something we cannot ignore!
More interestingly, the researchers at McMaster took the sedentary volunteers from the first part of their research and had them exercise aerobically for about 30 minutes twice a week. After 3 months, the skin composition has reversed its quality of that of a 65-old individual to the 20- to 40-old individual. That is remarkable!
Researchers do not have a complete understanding how such a reversal – anti-aging – works. They do know that the changes that exercise brings to ‘myokines,’ certain substances created by working muscles, start taking place on the cell levels far from the muscles themselves.
Just looking at these results on how moderate to vigorous exercise changes our skin composition is uplifting and noteworthy.
What are you doing to your skin these days to keep it younger looking and healthy?
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