Know Truths from Myths – Adult Pimples
Reminders that Make a Difference
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Acne isn’t just for teenagers. It could be a daily life for both men and women. Dermatologists from the University of Alabama-Birmingham reported these facts:
• In their 20s, 50.9% of women and 42.5% of men in their 20s reported experiencing adult acne
• In their 30s, 35.2% of women and 20.1% of men reported adult acne
• In their 40s, 26.3% of women and 12% of men reported experiencing acne
• Even in their 50s, 15.3% of women and 7.3% of men reported experiencing acne
Do you see something in the above data that pops up in the face? Women run higher percentages of reporting acne cases than men. As acne is closely related to hormonal fluctuations, the fluctuations in women’s cycle can trigger acne.
Obviously, you gotta consult with your dermatologist about the acne condition. It is a serious situation that should not be given any waiting time. The sooner you address the root of the problem, the better chances are that you will get rid of the annoying and debilitating skin condition.
Let’s check out some useful discussion points that may fasilitate and improve our understanding of adult acne and pimples.
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