A Balanced Diet Is the Best, But…
Reminders that Make a Difference
Hashtag #AMCoffee
We are bombarded with messages that emphasize the benefits of different vitamins and supplements for a woman’s body. In the past few weeks we have covered a lot of vitamins, – at least those that are considered well-known and researched and mainstream. We pointed out their benefits and where they come short – via their side-effects when used in excess.
The point to be made is this: Vitamins are an important part of our lives. They have powerful properties. They support our bodies in a million ways. The best way to get those vitamins and nutrients is by implementing an whole foods diet in your life. Food is our medicine, as an ancient philosopher put it. We should not take it lightly and ignore its importance.
However there are times when our bodies can get more benefits when we support our diet with supplements. These days, supplements have come a long way. We have vegan, plant-based, organic supplements that get as close as possible to the foods we consume and fill the gaps where our bodies need them the most.
Let’s run a quick review for us to summarize and place all that we have covered and learned into one basket, so to say.
Vitamin B Group
This vitamin B group is a powerful legion of nutrients that make our bodies hum, and work, and workout, and have energy for everything in the world. But these vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are especially important.
Vitamin D
It may be called a vitamin, but it actually works as a hormone. It helps to move calcium and phosphorus – important minerals for keeping bones strong – into your bloodstream.
Vitamin K
It plays an important role in keeping bones strong and helping blood clot for older people.
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